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Listener Muses About Mom's Love For Dad


And now, the latest in our series Muses and Metaphor. April is National Poetry Month and, to celebrate, we've invited you to send us your tweet poems. We think today's is particularly appropriate as services are being held for victims of last week's attack on the Boston Marathon.

The poem comes from attorney and poet Roberta Beary of Bethesda, Maryland. She tweeted about her mom showing love for her dad by helping him look his best throughout his life and even after. Here she is.

ROBERTA BEARY: My mom always made sure my dad looked good. She would do a Windsor knot for his tie. She would brush talcum powder off his face. She would make sure that his shirttails were tucked in. And, when he died, she made sure he looked good at the funeral home. This loving gesture stayed with me for a long time. I think about it a lot.

MARTIN: And now let's hear the tweet.

BEARY: Funeral home / here too / she straightens his tie.

MARTIN: Now, we know those go by pretty quickly, so let's hear it again.

BEARY: Funeral home / here too / she straightens his tie.

MARTIN: That is a poetic tweet by Roberta Beary. We also want to hear from you as we celebrate National Poetry Month. We're coming down to the home stretch. Just a few days left in April, but there's still time to tweet us your original poetry, fewer than 140 characters. Please remember to use the hashtag #TMMPoetry. If your poem is chosen, we will help you record it for us and we will air it this month. You can learn more at the TELL ME MORE website. Go to Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.